Project description:
Guillermina Ramos, Special Education Teacher and her 3rd year students of the Special Teacher career of the Institute 167 of Tres Arroyos, province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) have carried out the project of creating communication boards with pictograms of ARASAAC for the ICU of the Hospital de Tres Arroyos, in collaboration with the Disability Area of the Ministry of Prevention and Health and doctors Sebastián Otero and Elina Berrutti (Coordinator and Supervisor of ICU respectively).
The objective of this project is that hospital patients who cannot communicate orally with their relatives, nursing professionals or doctors due to different factors (intubated patients, recovering from Covid-19, aphasia, etc.) can do so through these pictogram boards.
From ARASAAC,we transmit our support and our recognition to all the people and institutions involved, especially Guillermina and her students for the fantastic initiative and for the magnificent work carried out. Congratulations!